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CELEBRATING 30 Years of the 'Duke of Edinburgh Award' 

​The Volunteers at the Railworld Wildlife Haven are Proud to have helped with the DofE since 1995! 

If you have already left a legacy to the Railworld Wildlife Haven Charity – Or if you intend to - We would like to thank you … If you are thinking about leaving a legacy, please email –

The ‘Railworld Wildlife Haven’ has been fortunate enough to have received three legacy’s over the years. The greatest without doubt was from our founder Rev Richard Paten – Estimates are that he dedicated over 25 years of his life and he paid for and acquired over 12 acres of inner-city land for the project and donated it to the Registered Charity! What an incredible legacy?

Celebrating our latest 2025 intake of DofE Youngsters 

Recent Legacies are from Geoffrey G Steels, Chief Mechanical Design Draughtsman at Peterborough's Baker Perkins Company – He left his entire estate to the charity, this enabled us to pay off the loan that the volunteers had acquired to purchase, restore and install the River Nene footbridge: The bridge was named the ‘Geoffrey G Steel’ bridge, as a thank you for his kindness.   

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