Rev Richard Paten MA, C.Eng, MICE, Freeman of the City of Peterborough
Richard Paten
Richard Paten
Rev Paten set up the charity in 1985 – Since then volunteers with the help of many companies, groups and individuals have transformed the derelict coal yard into an inner-city green space.
Rev Paten set up the charity in 1985 – Since then volunteers with the help of many companies, groups and individuals have transformed the derelict coal yard into an inner-city green space.
The Railworld Wildlife Haven car park is FREE for visitors
who purchase an entrance ticket for that day.
An ideal parking place for matches or concerts at Peterborough United Football Club.
Pay on the day
For out of hours or emergencies, please contact one of our volunteers on XXXXX XXXXXX
Registered Charity No 291515

01733 344240

They also champion the work of the charity, have diverse backgrounds, and vary in age, ethnicity and experience. They share their passion with that of the trustees to help create an inner-city haven for wildlife. They too share their skills for the benefit of others.



Bob Clarke
Bob is ex RAF and can put his hand to most things, whether it be the most sophisticated electronics to mending a fence! With fellow volunteers, Bob created most of the railway-oriented exhibits, including the magnificent outdoor Garden Railway that we have today! Bob also helps out in the café and ticket office.
Elvin Edis
Elvin is base trade electrical – But like many tradesmen he can lend his hand to anything and with fellow volunteer Pete Nunn they have been responsible for so many projects on site. Their next big project is the complete refurbishment of the LNWR 6 wheel coach in the sidings!
Nigel Barlow
Nigel is one of our loyal band of long serving volunteers, he does enjoy keeping the place clean and tidy and you will often see him with a Hoover or brush in hand making sure everyone that visits the volunteer project will go away with a good lasting impression.
Top man - One of our best!
John & Di Crane
With their two children, Ewan and Alistair, they are our longest serving ‘family’ of volunteers. They have helped out ever since the project opened to the public! Ewan and Alistair could often be seen running the model railway, that they helped build with Dad John.
Charlie Stevens
At 21 Charlie was driving big heavy trucks when he passed his HGV and he has never been far away from machines and moved to Perkins Engines 1968 where he soon took over the position as Controller for their entire UK Fleet! He loves volunteering and is regularly doing lots of physical work.
Bernard Lane
Bernard has been with us many years now and he is another volunteer that does what ever when needed … Gardening, moving, watering, clearing up, planting, weeding – all the important jobs that keep the project looking ship shape and looking good for our customers.
George Harbron
John is one of our longest serving volunteers and he is renowned for his ‘green’ fingers! George, even though he denies it – can make anything grow! He spent his life as a pharmacist – And relishes the outdoor life, loves volunteering and the chance to make a difference.
Mervyn Griffith
Mervin originates from sunny Barbados and has only been in the UK for a short while but he has already established himself as a talented gardener and most willing volunteer, making his mark in the wildlife haven by creating an interesting habitat area around the new signal box viewing platform.
Rob Smale
Rob has been so active since he started volunteering with us – He must be the fittest one amongst us! He has done so much paving since he arrived, we just don’t know where he gets the energy from – Excellent Job – Well done Rob! He is now our top paving slab layer extraordinaire!
Sue Chislett
Sue was a former school teacher and has a particular interest in gardening. Sue has been helping out along 'Steve Baker Walk', Steve was one of our fabulous volunteers. She has been looking after the gardens with Geoff now for the past year - It is quite a challenge! If you would like to join her team please ask Sue.
Jacob Tuson
Jacob has so many talents from being the strongest of the volunteers on site to being the gentlest when he looks after and runs the indoor model railway for our visitors. He can be seen on site most days and he endeavours to help out wherever he is needed.
Paul & Adam Sewell
The Sewell Family, especially these two stars, have been an important part of our volunteer force for many years ... whether it’s mending a fence, building a model
or looking after the attraction. The father and son team can often be seen in the main entrance café, looking after our visitors.
Jason Mendrik
Jason arrived many years ago with the offer of help … One of his first projects was to build a 'Hedgehog Hotel'. He also performed many tasks as a willing volunteer. But we feel probably his most important contribution was helping with the charity accounts. Jason was invaluable, making sure everything was ship shape for the auditors.
Will Martin
Will is a time served engineer who looked after the factory/plant services at Perkins Engines for many years, before retiring to help others and sharing his talents with us. He can be seen on site most weeks performing quite complex mechanical tasks, keeping the place in top condition, including updating the heating system.
Barry Lee
Barry did what I am sure many of us thought about doing when we were younger – ran away and joined the Fun Fair!! Barry has been volunteering with us for a number of years and his niche in the world of volunteering seems to be painting – all the time, well either preparing or painting!
Colin Morris
Colin has been helping the project now for many years ... He has always taken a keen interest with the gardens, especially the 'market' garden that helps us understand how we can grow our own food! Colin is volunteering with us many days a week, he is passionate about his garden, keeping on top of it all is priority.
Phil Pyne
Has been helping the project now for just over a year. He has retired and ventured up from London and regularly helps our volunteer project two days a week - doing anything and everything to keep the project going - Thanks a million Phil.
Sharon Chittock
Sharon keep all our account books for us up to date -always ready for our accountants Streets. Sharon was a partner in a local business and has recently retired and wanted to help out in the community and do her bit so to speak and offered her expertise with our book keeping! Many thanks Sharon - We are proud you chose us!
Paul Hatton & Chris King
Paul and Chris have been volunteers back in the foundation days of the Nene Valley Railway 50 years ago ! They have both taken a great interest in the Swedish Pacific - 4-6-2 Number 996! They are starting to cosmetically restore her and make her once again presentable. Fabulous news!
Cieran Young
Cieran has been helping us with the wildlife gardens - He is so passionate and has incredible knowledge. He is really in to composting and looking after our Natural World! Were he is sorting out a donation of Lavender from 'Hetty's Herbs' - They have donated lots of plants



Pete Nunn
Pete ran his own very successful Joinery business for many years and now gives his time for others . A master joiner by trade and skilled at everything to do with wood. Pete’s expertise is apparent when you look at the fabulous Bird Hide and Viewing Platform – Signal Box, created from scratch with Elvin Edis.
Becki White
Becki started volunteering with us during 2018 and found she enjoyed the outdoor life and doing all things green! She can lend her hand to most things and during 2019 we offered her the job of ‘Attraction Manger’, she has been doing that ever since, plus her volunteering.
Rod Morris
Rod, wife Janet and son Colin can be seen several days a week on site busy with different projects. The family are equally at home promoting what we do on the ‘Railworld Wildlife Haven Stand’ that they take out to events, promoting the environmental work
we do.
Rod Wadsley
Rod is a career Electrical Engineer that ran his own contracting business for many years … He started his volunteering on the Nene Valley Railway but over the past 10 years he has performed many electrical tasks and helped us keep our electrical installations certified.
Martyn Hanks
Martyn may live nearly 200 miles away – But it does not stop him helping us! He has made two superb working models, a Windmill on the Garden Railway and a watermill in the Wildlife Haven on the North Side! He is an accomplished artist and has painted watercolours all over
the World – see
John Beeby
John is a life-long Perkins man and knew of the Wildlife Haven through the Perkins Echo magazine. A visit many years ago with the ‘Perkins Engines Long Service Club’ encouraged him to take a more active part and has been volunteering regularly at least twice a week ever since!
Paul Mitchell
Paul is as strong as an ox and can tackle anything that demands a little determination, strength and agility!
Paul is a totally willing volunteer and can be seen regularly on site tackling any challenge that is put to him, from digging, to shifting, to gentle weeding.
Gabby Haynes
Gabby Haynes, has been in engineering all his life, he was born in Norfolk and ventured to Perkins Engines to serve his apprenticeship… He has a heart of gold and does whatever is required, whether it be litter picking, cutting grass or weeding, anything to keep the Wildlife Haven looking nice and cared for.
Bob Harris
This is not the 'Whispering Bob Harris' from BBC TV and Radio - But this 'Bob' is equally talented and has been seen volunteers several days a week for many, many years! Bob and his friend Gabby generally look after the grounds and footpaths - Keeping them tidy and litter free.
Connor White
He has recently completed his schooling and wanted an inclusive project that would occupy his fertile mind and at the same time give him an opportunity to highlight his interest in developing his landscaping. Well done Connor keep up the great work.
Bill Griffiths
Bill, a former computer engineer, who worked on large 'mainframes',
he has been helping us for many years – and with Bill – It’s a volunteer’s variety he likes, whether it be a bit of weeding, painting or just helping out where he is needed in any way he can!
Joe Fitzjohn
Joe trained as a locomotive boilersmith but he is now the star of our Model Railway! Joe has progressed so well over the years; everyone now goes to him for their Model Railway advice!
He has done so much – Joe’s name and talent shows all over the Model Railway!
Ed Clarke
Ed Clarke arrived volunteering his talents after he had just completed university! Asked what he liked doing? He said painting – we said what ‘Murals’ and look what he did for us! Amazing! – He then continued his work, carving the wildlife logo above the haven entrance!
Church of Latterday Saints
We have had lots of youngsters from the Church of Latter-Day Saints help us. It is so good because part of their religious teachings is to help others, volunteer and serve. They have helped us do many things and contribute in many remarkable ways.
Stuart Double
Stuart came to the project via one of the many BGL Team Days – he introduced his family to us and they have all been helping us ever since! Stuart takes on many projects, performs numerous tasks, but has recently taken a certain shine to the Wishing Well – He is restoring that at present.
Simon Kelsall
Simon provides IT support, he developed the Computer system for the Projector, updated a number of laptops. He has also created our YouTube Channel and uploaded the content, as well as creating some new short Videos for us. He also plans to get the Bird Box Camera system live and streamed on our Website.
Ben Fowler
Ben has been volunteering for many years and is usually seen helping out in the Model Railway. When he first started hew as so young - He had to be accompanied by an adult! Ben has started a career as an electrician and attending the local college, at present he is helping Bob Clarke with the Garden Railway.
Philip Cox
Philip is our wonderful Bird man .. he regularly lets our volunteers and visitors get up close and personal with his wonderful birds of prey. He also uses his expertise to rid premises of pigeons - His birds scare them off and they never comeback!
Ken Ince
Ken has been a lifelong accountant and has helped several charities in the region. He is a true master of the spread sheet and has been heavily into computers since the late 1960' early 70's. He has helped us so much and is totally responsible for our entry for the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service!
Craig Owen
Craig has been running his own company for many years - He has a great interest in acquiring Railway Artefacts and at present owns many! Including an Alco American Shunting Loco, a Pacer Railcar and a HST! High Speed Train! The most successful train ever in use in the UK! Craig's Team installed the new point.

NVR - Wagon Group
The Nene Valley Railway Wagon Group are moving back to the East End of the NVR where the 'Railworld Wildlife Haven' has been created - The group will be based along side Peterborough's Nene Valley Station ..
Welcome back to Peterborough folks ..
I am sure we are all going to watch in amazement - and hopefully help our friends in the NVR Volunteer Wagon Group as they move forward and restore those remarkable, historic, Nene Valley Vehicles.
NVR will during the coming season run Special Freight Days - when these wagons will be seen on the NVR rails.